Molly Morse
Molly is Co-CEO and Co-Founder of Trade Cheetah, a fintech startup set to launch in 2025. Specializing in options and stock trading, TC introduces the first Smart Icons technology to trade and track by strategy on the go. From the GODOI AI Trade Lab to intelligent action menus, Trade Cheetah finally delivers all of your favorite trading tools in one place. TC caters to the curious just starting out while creating a sense of luxury for the advanced trader. TC converts complex trading into an experience as intuitive as…well, shopping. Molly began her career in tax and audit but as a lifelong NSSA competitive surfer sponsored by Roxy, Molly returned to Quiksilver Inc., Roxy’s parent company and a multibillion-dollar publicly traded action sports leader as Director of Finance where she developed a dynamic budgeting and analytics application adopted by ‘Quik’ globally. This success inspired her to embark on her startup adventure with Trade Cheetah. Molly co-hosts The Brew on the Tradier Hub with Market Maker Lex Luthringshausen at 10AM EST. And yes, Molly is currently referring to herself in third person...Molly only does this here and on Saturday afternoons.